
Random Rantings

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Behold the deadly power of the USB port.
whatever happened to the craptacular websites of yesteryear? I'm nostalgic for the animated-gif-filled, angel-strewn, midi-spouting horrors of the web circa 1998-1999. What have we done? What have we lost in our relentless pursuit of ever-more-streamlined and appealing websites?
Oh, the humanity.

Monday, March 08, 2004

So..yeah. School is somewhere between sucking (not in that warm fuzzy way) and being pretty cool. FTX coming up this week, and ....feh, I'm tired. Wish i had a damn 'net connection for my new laptop up in my room. And the usual litany of complaints. Does the previous post really surprise ANYONE?
You are Eddie Vedder! Though you're good at heart,
you still need to resolve some issues with
yourself and others, and you definitely need to
grow the hair back.

Which member of Pearl Jam are you?
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