
Random Rantings

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Awyeah. All moved. As of like a week ago, actually, but I've been so damn tired and busy (and yet 'netless at home...soon now...soon) that I haven't written anything.

I'm studying kanji with the most kickass kanji book out there, courtesy of ore no tomodatchi, Jepi-kun. Essential Kanji, by PG ONeill. 2000 essential kanji. Good stuff. I especially like writing Kangi--one of my many noms-de-guerre--which can be expressed with apparently an almost limitless combination of syllables. The most aesthetically pleasing one I've found (to draw, anyway) combines kan (discernment) rendered as the radical kin (metal), net, and a radical i have not yet learned, and gi (debate), the radicals for words+justice. I will write it and scan it if I am so inclined, and put it on my braggin page.

In other news, I really like Weebl and Bob. Damn you, wee bull.

grr. Damn Blogger.

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